Friday, April 26, 2013

Posted Regulations: Keep Employers Grounded

Some companies love the idea of posting rules and reminders all over the workplace. They feel that employees need reminders all the time. When employees are late, they feel that reminding employees of their hours of work and operations is necessary. When employees are slow, they remind employees of quota and work targets. They do this by posting engaging notices about bonuses if they reach or fail to meet their quota. They even have signage about health and wellness especially if the main problem of most employees is drinking, or smoking. When utility expenses are high, companies have the shutdown signs all over the place. They may even place these reminders as computer wallpapers if not workstation stickers. Aside from the employee handbook and memos that employees have to sign, they also receive newsletters and other leaflets. All of which remind them of their responsibilities and obligations as employees of the company.

One cannot really blame the employers in utilizing reminders as a management strategy. Posters, signage, stickers, notices, and memos are effective way of keeping employees focused. These are effective supplemental elements aside from weekly meetings and one-on-one coaching sessions. They help change the employees’ frame of mind. These tools make them become results-oriented and performance-oriented. However, among all the posters employees see at work, one of them stands out. One of them becomes the employees’ favorite. This type of poster is the labor law poster.

Labor law poster does not simply remind employees. They focus on employees’ rights. They stand out in the workplace because they shout out from the walls and tell people that the law protects these rights. This adds more value and weight to every word stated in such posters.  These posters do not focus on what the employee needs to do, but on what their employers should do. In fact, these posters even spell out employer’s obligations to their employees. Moreover, these posters also show the employees’ remedy under the law if their employers fail to meet their obligations. 

These posters show that employers value their employees and they respect their rights in the workplace. These posters add value to the employees. These posters emphasize that workers have the right to equal employment opportunities, to job safety and health, to minimum wage and many more. For once, the posted regulations are not for the employees alone but they also serve as reminders to employers. They remind employers to take care of their workers. Most of all, these posters clearly state the possible penalties that employers face should they violate them. These posters show that the government makes sure that the employees’ welfare is one of the company’s priorities. Companies acknowledge all these rights, and express their intention to comply with the law by putting these posters in the workplace. In so doing, companies make it clear that in as much as they expect quality work from their employees they are also willing to serve their employees. This means providing employees everything that the law states they deserve.

You can find more information of labor law in, and will provide you the federal labor law information and services.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Importance of Having Labor Law Posters in a Workplace

There are certain matters employers must take care of when providing what can be considered as a good workplace. Posting a labor law poster is just one of these many concerns which employers should take care of. Apart from ensuring that the physical aspects in a workplace are all suitable, employers should also comply with state and federal laws which are mandatory.

What are Labor Law Posters for?

Labor law posters are posted in the office not just to comply with state and federal laws. They serve the purpose of properly informing the employees about which labor laws are applicable in their work environment.

Each person deserves to know relevant information regarding their work and this is what labor laws are there for, to protect their rights; either as an employer or employee. As prospective employees, seeing federal labor law posters in an office can help add a feeling of security about their probable employer. These posters also help employees understand what they can expect from their employers.

It also increases an establishment’s legitimacy by complying with state and federal laws. People don’t want to be tricked into working for scams, and labor law posters help in eradicating that feeling. These posters mean that an office is complying with the laws which help protect people in a working environment, and jobseekers in particular get a better idea if a prospective company is a good choice.

A labor law poster does not only benefit employees but serve a purpose for the employers as well. Apart from being able to attract more probable employees by complying with state and federal laws on posting labor law posters in their workplace, these posters also help with defending or preventing lawsuits should a conflict ever arise with an employee.

Having posters about labor law makes it known to everyone what their rights in the workplace are, and what laws protect them as workers or employers. These posters help set a better understanding of certain decorum and professionalism inside a working environment.

Contents of a Good Labor Law Poster

A good labor law poster must be updated in order to ensure that changes that have been made in the state laws, if any, are made known to everyone in a working environment. Workplace regulations and workplace rights must be indicated in posters as well.

Employers should remember to regularly update their labor law posters and check if the posters they have comply with federal and state laws. It is part of the employer’s job to constantly check for updates and failing to do so may cause having to deal with fines, sanctions, penalties, or citations.

Avoiding the hassles of not having a labor law poster can be avoided simply by taking the time to update and post them in the workplace. Both employees and employers can benefit from having updated posters, and a better understanding of expectations from both parties can be settled.

It may be quite a long read for some, but paying attention to these posters helps giving everyone in the workplace a clearer view of laws and regulations which must be followed for everyone’s benefit.