Sunday, October 28, 2012

Labor Law Posters: One of the Little Things Businesses Must Do

There are many different things that owners of a business have to do if they want to be successful. There are times when a business owner pays so much attention to the big things that they miss some of the little tasks. While it may be possible to build a successful business when you do miss some of these little things, the chance for disaster will always be present. A successful business is only as strong as its weakest link, and the strongest businesses are the ones that take the time to make sure they cover all of the different things that their business needs. It might not seem like the most important thing, but if you are running a business that pays employees, you need to make sure that you have current Labor law posters placed in conspicuous areas of your business.

There are both federal labor laws and state labor laws that all businesses are supposed to follow. These include things such as minimum federal wage, equal employment opportunity and family medical leave act. Those are the federal rules. States can have their own rules and they often include a state minimum wage that exceeds the federal wage, safety rules and time off for specific purposes such as voting. These rules are put in place to protect all employees and to make sure that they are treated in a fair and ethical manner. Businesses that do not follow these rules are subject to fines and can be shut down if the violations are severe enough.

The problem is that businesses often do not follow all of the rules and no one is aware of this. Unless a business does a surprise inspection and goes over another business’s records to look for any violations, the business can break the rules without being punished. That is where the posters come in. A business must have a poster that includes all of the different rules and regulations that employees need to be aware of. This poster must be in a place where the employees can see it. The posters also include information about who to contact if they feel that the business they are working in is treating them in a way that violates the law. Employees are protected from any backlash if they report violations and it is the best way for the government to enforce the rules that they have put into place.

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