Thursday, November 03, 2005

Inspector General's Report: Wal-Mart Gets "Significant Concessions"

According to a Department of Labor report released Monday, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. received "significant concessions" from the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division.

The department and Wal-Mart signed a settlement agreement last year over child labor violations, in which the retailer that promised Wal-Mart 15 days' written notice before any WHD inspections of Wal-Mart stores for child labor law violations. Some lawmakers and child advocate groups called this agreement a sweetheart deal."

These breakdowns resulted in WHD entering into an agreement that gave significant concessions to Wal-Mart – advance notification of future investigations and ability to avoid civil money penalties (CMPs) – in exchange for little commitment from the employer beyond what it was already doing or required to do by law," the report says.

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