Thursday, December 22, 2011

Texas labor law poster: Perfect compliance solution

Do you know that Texas labor law poster is a very perfect solution for all your compliance needs? Your business will really suffer if it lacks able workforce or inefficient workforce. This is the reason why you ought to have good employees. But the labor law poster of every state varies, and they conform to the accredited federal law posters. States like New York labor law poster resembles that of Texas’ in some instances. In all, there are up to 11 posters required for Texas employers; 5 state labor law posters and 6 federal.

Lets us look at those laws both state and federal; the following are for the state namely; payday notice, equal employment opportunity, child labor laws, Texas Ombudsman project or program, worker’s compensation. The federal labor law posters include; family medical leave act, equal employment opportunity, employee polygraph act, federal minimum wage and wage laws, OSHA, reemployment rights and uniformed services employment act and so on.
Furthermore, you might need the following workplace posters if you are in the healthcare establishments; blood borne pathogens, CPR, drug free workplace, first aid, hand wash, sexual harassment, no smoking, choking posters, emergency numbers, lifting safety, report injuries, workplace ergonomics, slips and falls and so on.

You might need these workplace posters if you are in the agricultural industry, CPR, drug free workplace, first aid, eye protection or treatment, heat stress, migrant work, lifting safety, OSHA fact sheet, no smoking, choking posters, emergency numbers, OSHA log 300, national forklift.
The following workplace posters are for you, if you are in the construction or engineering industry; construction equipment protection, code of safety practices, danger construction, first aid, drug free workplace, hard hat area, heat stress, no smoking, lifting safety, OSHA fact sheet, choking posters, emergency numbers, national forklift, OSHA log 300 packet, slips and falls, watch your step, report injuries, suspended loads etc.

You will be needing the following workplace posters if you are in the manufacturing firms; CPR, code of safety practices, drug free workplace, eye protection, first aid, MSDS safety sheet, national forklift, OSHA multi-safety involving no smoking, lifting safety, emergency numbers, choking posters and OSHA fact sheet, report injuries, sexual harassment, slips and falls, whistle blower violence free workplace and so on.

You may as well need the following workplace posters, if you are in a restaurant firm; calibrating thermometers, avoiding burns, CPR, dishwashing, first aid, drug free workplace, fryer safety, hand washing, HACCPs, knife handling, report injuries, OSHA 300 packet, preventing falls and slips, no smoking, emergency numbers, choking posters, and OSHA fact sheet.

You can find more information of labor law in, and will provide you the state, federal & OSHA labor law compliance information and services.

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