Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Showing a Different Trend: The California Labor Law Posters

California, for workers and employees, is the working paradise of the country, so it is of utmost importance for the people flocking towards California to fulfil their obligations within the workplace. The knowledge about the workplace is generally derived from the posters delivered by their hiring agency or their contractors. The governing department in charge of labor and industrial relations usually publishes the California labor law posters. The agencies and the governing bodies have made knowledge easy for workers, as labor law posters are displayed within common areas of the workplace containing information in relation to wages, working hours, and employment opportunities.

California labor law posters cover a wide array of laws and related information. The industrial welfare commission posters, which showcase the regulatory wages, hours and working conditions, are outnumbered by the industry or employer’s group. The employers’ payday posters specify the regular paydays and the location of payment. Safety and health posters are related to the protection parameters on the job location and contain important information regarding safety rules and regulations. Workers’ compensation posters show information regarding workers’ compensation, carrier, coverage, insurance and health benefits.

Though there are many similarities between California and other states' labor law posters, the California posters have somewhat extended themselves with added laws. These labor laws were incorporated by the California authorities. Some differentiations are easy to find when compared with federal labor law posters. On the employer responsibility posters, the Federal labor law posters show that employers should encourage their employees to educate themselves against harassment and discrimination at the workplace. On the same front, California labor posters add an extensive study with updated classes every two years. More astonishing differences can be found in the vicinity of protection against discrimination. The federal poster discusses that all employees of the nation must be protected from discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age, medical conditions, mental and physical disabilities, pregnancy, and related medical conditions. The California labor posters, however, show added information on sexual assimilation and being a transgender. These protected categories are unique to California labor law posters. Thus, before creating or publishing any California labor law posters, it is advisable to judge the running scenarios. It is critical for employers to recognize their employment and potential liabilities under both state and federal laws, which also hampers the lives of the workers at the workplace.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Safety of Workers at the Workplace

One cannot simply overrule the significance of safety signs at a workplace, as the presence of these signs is equally important for workers as well as their employers. The only key point is to maintain a discipline at the workplace and prevent any hazard. Whether a large or a small company, the effect of safety parameters is present everywhere. These are the basic reasons why companies and businesses comply with acceptable safety norms through the use of influential safety posters. The posters help safeguard and protect the lives of their workers.

The Safety posters used in a workplace include different varieties of signs, such as alert signs, warning issues, security posters, fire alert posters, general safety instructions, working instructions for the disabled, traffic and road safety signs, chemical alert posters, and medical posters. It is legally mandated for every business and employer to display appropriate safety posters in areas where there is a potential threat to human lives. 

Busy cities such as New York for instance, see tons of businesses running daily. Very few of these businesses ever neglect the safety norms, which when neglected would put the lives of their workers at jeopardy. In New York, however, there are very strict labor laws. The New York labor law posters clearly mention updated information issued by the Commissioner of Labor under the act. The information on the posters explains how employers can keep their employee workplace free from hazards. The posters also discuss methods to remain in accordance with health and safety parameters applicable to employer's workplace. The posters are not only for employers, but rather are equally informational for employees, who require the posters in order to comply with all safety and health parameters issued. The New York State’s department responsible for the labors’ safety and health is also responsible for administering and enforcing the law through publishing the posters. 

Different industries have different types of safety posters. Where hospitals and construction sites will have a hazardous material poster, industries such as hospitality will on the other hand have fire-exit posters, information posters, or kitchen posters. Employers are not the only ones liable for injuries at the workplace, but third-party liability can also be claimed against the victim's fellow employees. It becomes necessary for everyone to learn from mistakes and follow the guidelines properly.

To conclude, it is for the likes of both employers and employees to appreciate the importance of safety norms at the workplace. The safety norms protect against injury while minimizing the risk.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Generating Information and Awareness with Federal Labor Law Posters

Federal labor law in the U.S is a benchmark that sets the factors fundamental for setting up workers’ rights in an organization. It has its jurisdiction not only in the public sector, but also in the private sector as well. Federal labor laws often revoke most of the state and local labor laws. However, the reach of Federal labor laws becomes limited when workers issues are handled by the state or local labor laws. These workers could be the employees of state and local governments, workers from an agricultural background, or even domestic employees. Similar to all authorities, the Federal authorities have also weighed on the use of Federal labor law posters, providing general information regarding the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.

In many major states in the U.S., Federal labor laws have similar posters published including posters such as the Fair Labor Standard posters, which details the established parameters for minimum wages and overtime scales for workers in the private sector. As the degree of protection is quite low, the Federal government does not allow state and local government to follow this requirement. While there is a major similarity between most of the states’ labor laws and federal labor law posters, the state of California has induced many different labor law posters. California labor law posters suggests workers from the private sector must go through harassment training programs, which is generally not included in the Federal labor law posters. California takes one step further by letting this training occur every two years. While harrassment training is one example of the differences between California labor laws and federal labor laws, there are many areas where the California labor law posters differ from the federal ones.

Federal labor law posters are applicable in the "right to work" regions. These are the states with common federal and state labor laws. The posters are quite informative for the employers and the workers, as the posters serve as an important tool in resolving serious workplace disputes. Also, the posters can suffice workers’ doubts regarding minimum wages, annual holidays, pay, deductions, hours of work, termination of their tenure, bereavement leaves, and employer compliance. If the employee is federally regulated, then the posters provide valuable information, fostering a good labor environment. The posters help provide employers and workers with encouraging viewpoints for mutual agreement, thus, providing rights and benefits set by the federal labor authorities without discretion.

Labor law posters help promote a safe and properly functioning work environment

Labor law posters help promote a safe and properly functioning work environment. Business owners are only able to run a productive and growing business if they ensure that all federal and state labor laws are being followed properly. Once business owners themselves, as well as their employees, fully understand labor laws, only then will the business be able to flourish. Labor law posters relay the necessary information to business owners and their employees, ultimately ensuring that businesses run smoothly and safely.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

You Are Protected All The Way By Labor Law Posters

Displaying the most up to date Federal labor law posters is a compulsory requirement for every business owner in the US who has at least two employees working for the organization. These posters are designed to provide employees with information regarding their rights and responsibilities in a clear and easy to understand manner. Labor law posters must be prominently displayed where all workers can easily see them. The best areas are the main entrance of the workplace, the lunchroom, or the time clock site. Federal law requires businesses to post similar posters, but some businesses are not required to post labor law posters at all for varied reasons. One example, aside from owning a business that has less than two employees, is when the business is operated by family members. Generally, it is a legal requirement to post applicable labor law posters in their correct format in the workplace with the complete details of the concerning labor issues.

Federal labor laws are the guidelines for the protection of both the employer’s and employees’ rights. Protection of employers concerns any kind of penalty charged by the employees. Apart from the fact that the labor law posters promote the well-being of the workers, it also saves a business organization from possible lawsuits that may be too costly for a business to survive.

One of the most important goals of the federal labor law posters is to provide protections against inappropriate forms of discrimination. Over the past 50-plus years, legislation has been passed to prohibit discrimination due to age, race, disability, religion, national origin, family status, sexual preference, and gender. The posters are a constant reminder of this labor law, among others.

An important aspect of the federal labor law is the requirement that workplaces remain safe for employees, even if the employee’s job is deemed as a risky job position. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) regulates workplace safety, which provide minimum safety standards for the workplace. Without these protections, employees working in construction, mining or manufacturing would probably face a greater risk of injury or accident on the job. Besides federal labor law posters, there are also state labor law posters that are made by different states, such as the California labor law posters and New York labor law posters.

Employees should take advantage of this provision of the law by keeping themselves aware of their rights and responsibilities. Helping their business organization comply with the law is a great contribution to the success of the business. This practice can create a strong relationship between employees and employers. Both parties then can achieve business goals together, working as a team.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Let’s Get It In Order In Colorado

It was on that fateful day on August 1, 1876 when then President Ulysses S. Grant signed a proclamation admitting Colorado as the 38th state of the United States of America. Up to this day, Colorado has been known for the Rocky Mountains, which contains the highest peak, Mount Elbert, located in the state.

As the demand for industrial development took over America, every state has been faced with the many conflicting ideas that surround a business. Colorado labor posters play a significant role in making sure that employers comply with the requirements of the federal and state governments, and workers are well aware of their rights and responsibilities. Harmony in the workplace environment is the result when these two aspects are present.

Among all Colorado State labor law posters, there are three important posters that deserve to be highlighted. One is the Minimum Wage Order Number 28 Poster. Covered employers should display the contents of this policy in the area where employees and applicants are able to see the poster clearly. Another important poster is the Payday Notice Poster, which specifies the regular paydays and the time and place of payment. Any changes to paydays or the time and place of payment should be included in the updates. The last poster is the Colorado Employment Security Act, which discusses unemployment insurance. In addition, nine federal labor law posters are also required for compliance. Federal labor laws concerning minimum wage, employees working on US government contracts and federally financed construction projects, polygraph protection for employees, family and medical leaves, uniformed services employment and reemployment, union dues, equal opportunity employment, and job and health safety in the workplace should be incorporated in the posters.

Colorado labor posters also reiterate the importance of job and health safety. The posters should be displayed in dangerous working environments. Workers should know the safety guidelines by heart to make sure that immediate actions are taken when one is faced with an injured self or colleague in the workplace. Employers in Colorado may purchase one Complete Labor Law Poster, which contains all the up-to-date state and federally required posters. The poster is also available in English and Spanish languages.

As a responsible business owner, it is your main responsibility to inform your employees of their protection rights and safety in the workplace. This is a very good investment, as its results are for long-term business prosperity. When you have well-informed workers, more work is accomplished. Labor posters are a good communication channel between employers and employees. It serves as a daily reminder of the workers’ rights and the employers’ commitment.